Changed your mind about a product after you've ordered it? No worries. With EZContacts you may cancel any product, free of charge, with a full refund, as long as it has not been shipped out yet. Simply email with your order number and explain that you would like to cancel your order.
Keep in mind that your credit card is only charged once your order has been shipped and only an authorization is placed on your account when you place your order. Your card issuer will hold the funds or otherwise make them unavailable for spending, but will not remove them from your account.
Once your order is canceled, the transaction is voided, and the funds will be back in your account typically within 24-48 hours. Please be aware that as soon as the bank processes the void request, the funds will be simply added to your available balance but will likely not appear as a deposit.
If your order has already been shipped out, it is too late to cancel, but you can easily return the product(s) upon receiving them.